SpringBoot Auto configuration settings
Imagine that you're collaborating with a few teams working on various Spring boot projects or goods for ReallyBigCompanyTM. But you don't need the Spring Boot, only the basic Spring System. Also, imagine that one of your developers had a brilliant idea at one point to remove one popular Application Context Configuration from all projects since she found that a few of the same beans are used by every business project. @Configuration Settings ReallyBigCompanySharedContextConfiguration public class {/ (1) @Bean @Bean Public flywayClone) (of ReallyBigCompanyProprietaryFlywayClone New ReallyBigCompanyProprietaryFlywayClone) (is returned; / (2) } } Imagine that a patented Flyway clone, i.e. something initializing and managing databases, was developed by ReallyBigCompany. And for any project in your business uses a relational database, extracting it into this shared structure makes sense. spring boot online training india @Configuration Settings @Import(SharedConfiguration.class Re...